Best Golf Strategy for High Handicappers

best golf strategy for high handicappers

Golf is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone, no matter what their skill level. However, the high handicappers will have to work much harder for those strokes and putts. That means they need to find out which golf strategy works best for them. However, if you’re a high handicapper, don’t despair. You can … Read more

How to Break 100 in Golf

how to break 100 in golf

If you are a golfer, then there’s a good chance that you’ve been dreaming of breaking 100 for some time now. While it may seem like an impossible goal, it is definitely achievable with the right approach. In this post, we will outline some tips and strategies that will help you crack the century mark … Read more

What Are Golf Towels Used For?

What Are Golf Towels Used For

Golf towels are an important tool for any golfer. They help clean off your clubs and hands after a round of golf, they can dry wet clubs before you put them away in the bag, and they can also be used to polish your club heads. But there are many other uses for golf towels … Read more

How Much Rain is Too Much for Golf?

How much rain is too much for golf?

You’re on the golf course, the crisp morning dew still fresh under your feet, the green as inviting as ever. You’ve been planning this round all week, and now you’re all set to tee off. Suddenly, you feel it. A single drop. Then another. Before you know it, it’s a downpour. But how much rain … Read more

How Long Does it Take to Golf 18 Holes?

The most important rule in golf is patience; there’s no need to rush or worry about time when playing the game of golf. For better or worse, that is the nature of the sport and all its inherent oddities. In truth, it really depends extensively on your abilities with the sport. Despite differences in ability … Read more